On-line infrared thermometers, fixed-infrared thermometer
infrared thermometer in china;infrared thermometer in guang zhou
We have more than 20 years experience in infrared products, infrared thermometer is the experts are welcome to bring you the translation of the Co***ny staff to negotiate.
Products include: Laser targeting single, round-based laser aimed at vertebral Ultra-fast infrared thermometer, non-contact temperature sensor, micro-infrared thermometer, non-contact temperature sensor; small target infrared thermometer, non-contact temperature sensor; remote infrared thermometer; special dedicated infrared thermometer; wear Through glass infrared thermometer, non-contact temperature sensor;Industrial infrared thermometer; non-contact thermometer;Laser Thermometer Infrared Thermometer Infared Thermometer Non-contact thermometer digital infrared thermometer industry infrared thermometer;Non-Contact Infrared Sensors ;Non-Contact Infrared thermometer ;Non-Contact IR
smart with laser sighting noncontact infrared thermometere Model:LT-series. measurement range: -30~1000C£»300~800C£»400~1200C£»600~1400C£»700~1700C£»300~1500C optical resolution:50:1,100:1,150:1,1000:1(specific). Temperature reading appears with:1ms,5ms,30ms.150ms spectral range:8~14um,1.0um,5um,1.6um. Sighting Mode:smart with laser sighting noncontact.round-based laser aimed at vertebral Accuracy:1% or 1C /0.5%£¨specific£©. measure small-Size:0.35mm(specific model) 1~2mm(normal work). Emissivity:emissivity adjustable 0.1~1.0. Sensor dimensions:M12~M45. Output:4~20mA,0~5V,0~10V;RS232;RS485;USB.. Sensor oper temp:normal(-10~60C),Air cool (-10~120C),water cool(0~250C. Signal deal:peak/Average. Powr:24VDC,9~36V/DC. Too many products, not exhaustive. Go to the co***ny's Web site,We provide first-class products, first-class service, first-class technology,You are welcome to bring translation of the Co***ny visit.